January 15, 2021
Rimowa – Gifting
The goal for this project was to create a procedural system in Houdini that could wedge many iterations of Vellum cloth simulations interacting with the suitcase. These iterations would then be…
October 27, 2020
NRMA – First Saturdays
For this powerful ad campaign bringing awareness to the firefighters of Australia, I created FX elements to augment the location photography. This included digital embers that were simulated…
September 9, 2020
Kia – Sorento Luxury
For this project I created a realistic burnout smoke and gravel simulation, that was art direct-able, could be run in ultra slow-motion (bullet time), and be used across multiple shots. The smoke had…
June 15, 2020
This was a fun and creative project to work on, as the goal was to use state-of-the-art modern technology to simulate stylized, playful, and appealing stop motion style animated geometry to celebrate…
February 8, 2020
Car Crash
For this documentary-movie I was tasked with creating two fully CGI car destruction simulations; a high speed car crashing and rolling out of control, and another on fire that eventually explodes. I…
June 28, 2019
Mars Rover
A test I created in Houdini & Redshift to create a large scale (100km X 100km) procedural landscape.
November 27, 2018
Film VFX Reel
Some of the shots I worked on over the years as a Senior FX TD at ILM in San Francisco.
December 15, 2017
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
For my last project at ILM (before leaving to start my own freelance business) I worked mainly on the salt planet battle sequence, creating simulations of red and white dust for the interaction…
December 16, 2016
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
I created FX elements (explosions, smoke, pressurized gas, space particulates, debris) for a hero sequence of two Star Destroyers and a space station colliding and exploding.
September 30, 2016
Deepwater Horizon
This project was all about pushing the boundaries of current technology, and creating photorealistic CGI fire! I was a lead FX artist in charge of creating and maintaining the main oil rig digital…
December 14, 2015
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
It was a dream come true to work on my first Star Wars movie! I created FX elements across multiple sequences including the climactic base battle (explosions, venting gas, vaporizing snow (hero…
June 12, 2015
Jurassic World
This project was a dream come true. Since seeing the original Jurassic Park in the cinema when I was ten years old, I knew I wanted to work in VFX and for the company that created those images. More…
June 27, 2014
Transformers: Age of Extinction
For my third Transformers movie I was a lead FX Artist, in charge of creating multiple FX setups to be used by many members of the team. At first I was creating and look developing FX assets such as…
May 17, 2013
Star Trek Into Darkness
I was tasked with creating a multitude of various FX for this show, including a giant volcano smoke simulation used throughout an entire scene, as well an intense re-entry sequence of the Starship…
May 4, 2012
The Avengers
For The Avengers I created several building destruction simulations in the huge New York battle sequence, as well as multitudes of various explosion elements, smashing glass, gun tracer fire, and…
June 29, 2011
Transformers: Dark of the Moon
On this huge show I started to focus much more on FX simulation work rather than lighting, although I did light several big shots and won the internal ILM award for best lighting in the opening…
July 1, 2010
Avatar: The Last Airbender
This show was my first foray into FX simulation. I was one of the FX artists using the very first version of ILM's award winning proprietary Plume system, simulating and rendering fire-bending…
June 24, 2009
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
This was my first show at ILM in San Francisco, and I remember being extremely excited to be working on such a huge project at the famous VFX studio that I had dreamed of working at since I saw…
November 27, 2007
The Golden Compass
This was my first major film project after I left Australia to pursue traveling interests around the world. I worked on The Golden Compass as a Character TD for several months at Framestore in…